Frequently Asked Questions
What is Digital Investment Office ("DIO")?
The Digital Investment Office (DIO) is a fully-digital collaborative platform between MIDA and MDEC to coordinate and facilitate digital investments in the country.
The objective of the DIO are among others, to create awareness on the digital investments in the country as well as to ensure the alignment and strengthen the coordination among all Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) in promoting and attracting digital tech investments in this fast-evolution segment.
The DIO is a critical step towards driving digital investments in Malaysia, consistent with MyDIGITAL and National Investment Aspirations.
How does DIO assist in coordinating digital investments in Malaysia?
Under DIO, all digital investments (from local and foreign) will be jointly assessed, advised and facilitated by MDEC and MIDA together with other IPAs in Malaysia.
I am ready to submit the application for the digital investment project. Where can I submit my application and how long would it take for the application to be evaluated?
Submission of Application
Application for digital investment projects can be submitted through this page Each application will be evaluated by DIO and decision shall be obtained within 25 working days from official submission by the company.
Is there a fee for DIO service?
How do I reach out to the DIO officer?
To contact:
Stephanie Wong
Senior Manager, Premier Account Management, Non-MD
Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)
Tel: 1-800-88-8338 / +603-8315-3000
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Noorzita Mohamad Nor
Director, Business Services and Regional Operations Division
Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
Tel: +603-2263 2438
Email: [email protected]
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